Chiropractor Near Me

Back Doctors Near Me

"The Doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human body, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease."

- Thomas Edison 1902

Primary Spine Practitioners Lower Back Pain Treatment Neck Pain Treatment Treatment of Headache Pain

Primary Spine Practitioner

Our Primary Spine Practitioners are trained to provide differential diagnosis, rule out severe disease processes, and render evidence-based treatment for most patients with spine related disorders.


Low Back Pain Treatment

Chiropractic care has been proven to decrease pain severity and disability while increasing functional ability in patients experiencing low back pain.


Neck Pain Treatment

Chiropractic care has been proven to help to help people overcome their neck pain and related symptoms.


Treatment of Headache Pain

Headache is an area in which chiropractors near me make a daily and direct contribution to the well-being of their patients.


Primary Spine Practitioners at Life in Motion Chiropractic and Wellness Chiropractic Treatment of Chronic Lower Back Pain Chiropractic Treatment of Neck Pain Chiropractic Treatment of Headache Pain
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Excellence in hands-on care for musculoskeletal pain....... Come experience the difference!

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21st Century Chiropractors Near Me

Leading members of the medical community not only refer their patients to chiropractors, but they also turn to chiropractic care for their personal healthcare challenges. Make this non-invasive, "non-drug" approach to achieving optimal health part of your wellness program. Learn the facts about chiropractors near me and their vital role in America’s healthcare system today and for the 21st century.

Richard Sarnat, M.D. | President of AMI (Alternative Medicine Integration)

"I view chiropractic care as an essential component of our healthcare system. While conventional medicine does a good job of screening for the early detection of disease, I believe that the regular use of chiropractic actually prevents early stages of disease from evolving into crisis disease care management.

I have referred many patients to chiropractic care and they have benefited from this wellness approach to maintaining health. I have avoided long-term pharmaceutical usage and/or acute surgery by using chiropractic as a non-pharmaceutical, non-surgical alternative.

Remember , pharmaceutical and/or surgery should be utilized as a last resort — only when more natural, less invasive modalities are unavailable or ineffective."

- Richard Sarnat, M.D. | President of AMI (Alternative Medicine Integration)
Highland Park, Illinois

Jason Rexroth, M.D., FACOG FACS | OB-GYN Specialist

"As an OB-GYN, I know chiropractic is the best treatment for the all too common backaches and joint problems experienced by many women during pregnancy . I refer all my patients to chiropractors near me for these symptoms. Over the years, I have seen the benefits of chiropractic care significantly reduce a pregnant mother's reliance upon pain and narcotic medications. As you all know, the less medications taken by a pregnant woman, the better it is for her yet-to-be-born child"

"I am very familiar with the chiropractic approach to health care. I have personally used chiropractic many times — it helped me in a successful athletic career in high school and college."

- Jason Rexroth, M.D., FACOG FACS | OB-GYN Specialist
Cedar Rapids, Iowa

"Chiropractors near me are becoming important members of the traditional healthcare team, providing valuable contributions to a patients health and well being. I can attest to this on a professional and personal level. Following a car accident three years ago, I had the benefit of conservative chiropractic and orthopedic care and thus avoided surgery."
- Sana Khan, Ph.D., M.D. | Radiologist
Beverly Hills, California

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act has designated that Doctors of Chiropractic are eligable members of the Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH).
Learn more about chiropractors near me in the PCMH HERE
Learn what is a chiropractor and their vital role in America’s holistic wellness.
Foundation for Chiropractic Progress

205 Main St. Ridgway, PA 15853cash, check, credit card


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